Friday, 11 November 2011

Bangkok appoints crocodile hunters

BANGKOK, Thailand: Fear of crocodiles in Bangkok floodwater has prompted the creation of a special unit  the Crocodile Rescue Team -- to investigate sightings.

Sightings of crocodiles lurking in the floodwater have sent jitters among  residents of flood-hit Bangkok.

However, there has been no confirmed reports of crocodiles attacking humans amid the floods.

Crocodiles only attack humans when they fear for their own survival.

In fact, crocodiles are just as scared of humans as humans are of the reptiles.

But it is no comfort to frightened residents, who have reported chickens and dogs suddenly going missing.

The Crocodile Rescue Team is a specially set up unit from the Fisheries Department to investigate these claims.

A Thai crocodile-sighting witness said: "I saw a crocodile, so I called authorities. It was around 3am when I saw it. I could see its whole body, from head to tail."

He reported that three chickens kept in his coop had disappeared, but officials said witnesses may confuse other reptiles -- such as monitor lizards -- for crocodiles.

Monitor lizards are common in Thailand, can bite severely and eat small animals.

Officials added that debris floating in the brackish water can cause injuries.

Bundit Kullavanijaya, chief of Ladkrabang Fish Inspection Office, Department of Fisheries, said: "In flooded areas, there might be some construction materials such as metal roofing or bolts, left on the ground.

"These materials can cut people's feet and they might think that they were bitten by poisonous creatures or a crocodile."

Experts said there is almost no chance of spotting a crocodile in the day and the best time to hunt for crocodiles is at night.

They use chicken-baited hooks to trap crocodiles.

They added that reptiles, being cold blooded, need to get out of the water to warm themselves to digest their prey.

Crocodile-catching expert Chaliew Busamrong said crocodile hunters would first try and shock a crocodile on the base of the skull to knock it unconscious.

They would then tie it up and remove it from the area.

It is only in extreme cases that they would kill a captured crocodile.

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